4 key factors for the success of Carlos Blanco's blog

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4 key factors for the success of Carlos Blanco's blog

Post by Abdur12 »

I begin the announced series on different blog strategies with an analysis of Carlos Blanco's blog. The strategy that Carlos' blog represents is that of a current affairs blog. In addition, he usually mixes it with articles on advice for entrepreneurs.

Carlos Bravo5
I met Carlos Blanco through his blog when he was looking for investment to create Coguan . I got to know him personally through one of our main investors, Luis Martín Cabiedes . Carlos is one of the pioneering entrepreneurs in the Internet sector in Spain. In addition to being an investor in Coguan, he also participates in a series of start-ups with his company Grupo IT Net and through Rodolfo Carpintier's incubator DAD . I recommend reading his blog or following him on Twitter if you don't know him yet.

Blog by Carlos Blanco

Carlos writes about events, rumors, characters and gives advice to entrepreneurs

Posts about current events or news are one of the korea number key elements of Carlos Blanco's blog. He tends to prefer short posts over long ones because he says that people get tired if they have to read a lot of text.

Carlos is a character who can be found at all kinds of events throughout Spain , and who never stops moving. This event activity is reflected in his blog, where he tells his readers where he will be present so they can contact him directly.

As an additional element of current events, he uses criticism of news or events, sometimes involving well-known figures such as Enrique Dans who help him create buzz and comments on his blog.

Obviously, Carlos also gives advice to entrepreneurs on his blog as an additional element. In many cases, these come from presentations at events where he has participated or through meetings he has had with entrepreneurs who give him ideas for posts on his blog. As bloggers who use a similar strategy, we could mention Alejandro Suarez .
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