There's no question about it: you should definitely give a brief introduction to your company. However, if you go into detail about your company's history, your counterpart will start yawning in no time. Interested people compare several providers and can visit your website at any time. They are interested in their own problems, not every single detail about your company.
Many mistakes in sales are due to the fact that the salesperson cannot put themselves in the other person's shoes. Think about how much information you personally want from a provider or company and adapt your strategy accordingly.
Traveling alone
Some people think of selling as an individual sport, but in reality it is a team sport: the best sales professionals work closely with professionals around them. Whether product managers, marketing experts, sales engineers or technicians, the expertise of these people can make the difference between a lost deal and a successful deal.
Focus on people without decision-making authority
Sometimes it's not the sales pitch itself. The pitch might have gone great, but it still didn't close the deal. Why not? Because you spoke to a person who said the right things and asked the right questions, but japan business email list ultimately couldn't make purchasing decisions or influence the budget.
Don't ignore these types of prospects , as these conversations can lead you to the right person. But you should approach these conversations smartly: for example, put together a list of questions that will give you insight into how much influence someone has in a company.
With Act! CRM, sales professionals can capture, access and update lead data, giving them just the right amount of information for each sales conversation to easily manage their sales funnel .
Lack of preparation
The seven-stage sales process
In bad sales conversations, mistakes can pile up. Sometimes sales professionals make multiple mistakes in the same conversation, or they make the same mistake multiple times a day. The key to avoiding this? Proper preparation. Ultimately, it comes down to three things:
Research: Information about the company and its history, previous interactions with a person, personal research – all of this must be openly on the table.
Structure and goals: Research is all well and good, but without a plan behind it, the results aren't worth much. Setting goals allows you to use the key findings from your research to your advantage. That way, you'll have a "battle plan" to fall back on for every sales call.
Attitude: One of the most common mistakes in sales has nothing to do with your behavior, but with your attitude. Just like in professional sports, where visualizing success before a competition is common practice, sales professionals need to be mentally sharp. A healthy dose of confidence (not to be confused with arrogance!) will benefit you throughout the entire sales cycle.
Making too much fuss about your own business
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