This article is the final one in a series of materials on preparing an information model for state examination.
Import parameters
Setting up IFC export
Custom Parameter Sets
In it we will tell you how to do this in the Revit automated design system.
All parameters in IFC are divided into general and user-defined. Export settings for each category will differ.
General parameters are parameters defined in the IFC schema by default. There are several ways to add such parameters:
Add parameters to Revit with the same name and data type as those defined in the IFC schema via shared parameter files (SPF). These can be downloaded from Autodesk's GitHub.
Using SPF will help you avoid errors with names and data types, but you won't be able to change the names. You won't need to perform any additional configuration for the shared parameter export.
Create your own file with parameters that may differ in name, but must be the same type as the IFC parameters from the FOP. This way you can name the parameters according to the internal requirements of the company and match them with the corresponding IFC parameters when exporting.
Read the first part about how to prepare a model for examination using the Renga software product as an example.
User parameters are parameters that are not defined by default in the IFC schema. You can assign them arbitrary names and types. The names of the sets can also be set by the user. To add user parameters, you must create a .PIF file and specify all the parameters required for the study in it.
After we have sorted out the IFC parameters, we need to add them to the model. To do this, in the open model, go to the horizontal menu tab "Management", then select the "Project Parameters" tool and click the "Add" button. In the window that opens, put a dot in the "General Parameter" item, click "Select", then "Browse" and select the desired FOP.
After loading the file, in the General Parameters window, select the general parameters you phone number italy want to add to the project. Then, set the categories for the parameter, assign the IFC Parameters grouping, and select the type or instance.
Filling in the parameters
Each parameter must have a value, otherwise it will not be added. For example, for a wall made of concrete B25 F100, the parameter "IGE_Watertightness W" must be filled in. However, this material does not have data on water resistance. In this case, simply specify "0".
Parameters with the "Boolean" type require special attention. For the Boolean data type, the requirements provide three values: "true", "false" and "not defined". In Revit, the value "not defined" cannot be specified: the parameter will be considered blank and will not be exported to IFC.
Setting up IFC export
In Revit, IFC export should be performed from a 3D view to ensure that all required elements are displayed correctly. However, hidden elements will not be exported.
The mapping of categories requires special attention. To do this, Revit uses a common mapping table, which is usually located in the file exportlayers-ifc-IAI.txt in the C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT20xx folder. To edit this mapping table from the Revit interface, click the File tab in the horizontal menu, then Export, Options, and IFC Options:
How to prepare CIM for examination
In the window that opens, in the "IFC Class Name" column, for each category, you must specify the class according to which it will be exported to IFC. The IFC scheme also has types, for which the third column is dedicated. Types are somewhat similar to subcategories in Revit and provide additional categorization. For example, the "If Column" class can have the following types: "COLUMN", "PILASTER", "USER DEFINED", "NOT DEFINED".
Import parameters
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