The Stinson-Johnson model states that the importance of the leader's attention to relationships depends on the level of task structure as well as the individual characteristics of the subordinates. The leader must consider both the characteristics of the staff and the characteristics of the work they perform when determining the level of involvement.
Based on the presented model, the leader's active manifestation of interest in the work brings the best results in two specific cases:
when the task is well structured and subordinates are highly motivated to achieve goals and be independent, although their knowledge and experience already significantly exceed the required level;
When work is not clearly structured and employees show little need for goal achievement and independence, their knowledge and experience are insufficient to accomplish tasks.
On the other hand, a leader's low interest in afghanistan email list 168973 contact leads work has a positive effect in the following situations:
the work is structured according to strict rules, the staff has knowledge and experience, but there is no motivation for independence;
the work does not have a clear structure, the staff has knowledge and experience and is motivated to be independent.
Trends in situational approach to management
Research in the field of control theory has revealed several major trends at the current stage of its development.
The first trend: emphasis on the material and technical base of the organization. In modern management, this is given great importance and is associated with the "computer revolution", which has created fundamentally new opportunities for management, as well as with other major achievements of scientific and technical progress.
The second trend: democratization of management. Of course, the future of management lies in democratic forms of leadership, where employees are involved in making management decisions. One of the key driving forces in this case is the concept of "unfreezing the potential of the group." This is a psychosocial phenomenon that allows the full realization of the organization's potential, turning it from an object of management into a subject of self-government.
The third trend: internationalization of management and business. This was caused by the globalization of the economy, which gave rise to new management problems. For example: problems with the cross-cultural transfer of principles and forms of management, taking into account national mentalities and a whole range of others.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Situational Approach to Management
The situational approach to management is the ability of a manager to assess his own abilities and tasks, and to change his leadership qualities taking into account the circumstances. Such a manager uses different leadership styles alternately or in combination. This approach demonstrates the best results among other methods of organization.
How are the set goals achieved?
The process of achieving goals begins with establishing the enterprise's system of goals, after which strategic planning is carried out. Then medium-term and current plans are formed, from which specific events follow, becoming the starting point for the activities of the performers. After the tasks are completed, an analysis of the comparison of planned and actual indicators takes place.
In what areas is the concept of the situational approach applied?
It is primarily used in organizational leadership and project management, but it also finds application in a variety of other areas. The situational approach is widely used in training managers and executives to develop their flexibility and adaptive skills to different circumstances.
What are the possible use cases outside of commercial activities?
For example, in the field of art. In art, the use of a situational approach promotes a deep perception of the uniqueness of each creative person and ensures a more effective correspondence of the creative process to the individual needs of each of them. This also allows teachers to respond more flexibly to changes and promptly make the necessary adjustments.
Stinson-Johnson model
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