A brand is a perception. And, like any perception that we humans can have about any entity, this feeling can change over time. Events can happen inside or outside a company that strongly change the public's perception of it. Just think about how many variables can change the feelings that people have about a company in the long term: a global health crisis, a market crisis in a certain sector, a change of CEO, a partnership with a multinational, the birth of a competitor capable of monopolizing the market, a change of location of the company offices.
.. So how can you realign your vision, your mission, your values and in general your company's identity to those perceived by your target audience? How can you restore an authentic and natural relationship philippines phone number list with your target? Rebranding may be the right answer, find out why. What does rebranding mean? Rebranding is a process that aims to change the public's perception of a brand. What differentiates a structured rebranding activity from a restyling activity of a single aspect of the brand identity is precisely the company's objective and awareness .
Within a rebranding process, the company, sensitized by new needs and requirements, wants to change its personality. The goal is to aim for a new collective perception, more in line with its true essence and its true nature. The less the adherence between the essence of the brand and the perception that the public has of it, the greater the need to intervene with a well-structured rebranding activity. But what are the elements of the brand that are affected by a rebranding activity ? Any element of brand identity can be subject to rebranding activity.
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