Community Manager Quito Ecuador Spain

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Community Manager Quito Ecuador Spain

Post by relemedf5w023 »

– Ask a friend for help: If you have a mutual friend with the person you think has blocked you, you can ask them to check if they can access that person’s profile from their account.

2. Access your Instagram account settings: Once you have confirmed that you have been blocked by the other person, you will need to access your Instagram account settings to be able to block them as well. To do this, follow these steps:

– Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
– Click on your profile icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
– On your profile page, find and click on mobile phone saudi arabia mobile number directory three horizontal lines icon in the top right corner of the screen.
– From the drop-down menu, scroll down and click on “Settings.”
– Once on the settings page, find and click on the “Privacy” option.


3. Block the user who blocked you: Now that you are on the privacy settings page, you can block the user who blocked you by following these steps:

– In the “Privacy” section, find and click on “Blocks.”
– On the blocks page, click on “Add to Blocked List.”
– A window will open where you can search for the username of the person who blocked you.
– Once you’ve found the username, select it and click on “Block.”

4. Check that you have successfully blocked the user: After following the steps above, it is important to check that you have successfully blocked the user who has blocked you. To do so, try accessing the person's profile again by following the same steps I mentioned above. If you now receive a message indicating that you have blocked the user, it means that you have carried out the process correctly.
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