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Ryanair Business Model

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:34 am
by Mimakte
et's move on to the business model of the Irish airline Ryanair, which operates passenger flights on extremely favorable terms.

Ryanair Business Model


The organization derives most of its income from the operation of aircraft and scheduled flights. Other aspects follow from this:

cooperation is carried out with aircraft manufacturers, leasing companies, fuel suppliers and airport services;

the main activities are the organization and control email lists uk of flights, as well as maintaining equipment in good working order;

the company focuses on affordable prices, and the majority of its clients belong to the middle class;

Sales of services are carried out through a website and a mobile application, and communication with the audience is carried out through social networks and a call center.

Funds are allocated primarily for vehicle maintenance, fuel purchases and salary payments. To generate income, the company directly sells tickets and also offers additional services.


Reddit's Business Model
In conclusion, let's look at the business building scheme using the example of the components of the Reddit project model.

The company aims to collaborate with content moderators, advertisers and technology providers. The work is carried out in two main areas:

maintenance and development of the technological platform;

tracking user publications and expanding functionality.

Taking these two articles into account, the composition of key resources that contribute to achieving business goals is determined. These include both people (group moderators and advertising services) and technical means (equipment and digital materials).

The values ​​offered differ for companies and private users. In the first case, the organization finds potential clients and analyzes the market, in the second case, it promotes effective communication between community members, calling on them to observe the norms of network etiquette and mutual rapprochement.

To communicate with its audience, Reddit uses social networks and email, and also has a help desk and recommendation service. The company sells its products in a similar way, primarily through online sales. Reddit's target audience includes investors, analysts, businessmen, and ordinary users.

The bulk of payments in this company are for key resources. These include:

costs for website hosting, server and software maintenance;

staff salaries and marketing investments;

legal support of copyright.

At the same time, income is also derived from key resources – through advertising, sales of premium services and the implementation of projects with the participation of other companies.

Osterwalder's business model is widely used in world practice. You can find a number of other examples on the Internet.

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Alexey Boyarkin
Dmitry Svistunov
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I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.

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