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online marketer scrum

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:31 am
by arzina998
online marketer

6. Project management
The world of online marketing is extensive. As an online marketer, you often work in a team. In order to keep projects on track, it is important that you work in a structured manner. For example, keep a roadmap of all outstanding action points. A handy tool that you can use for this is Trello. You can also use the scrum method to divide a large project into several 'small projects'. Online marketers who have mastered this are more productive and achieve results faster.

7. Curiosity
As an online marketing professional, you deal with change almost every day. An update of the Google algorithm, new advertising opportunities and so on. This requires an open and involved attitude.

Above all, be curious and ask the why question to gain new insights. Also when it comes to data. Because why is the bounce rate on that one landing page so high? And what opportunities do those new targeting options on Facebook offer?

8. Results-oriented
The availability of data makes it easy to hong kong mobile number measure what the work of an online marketer yields. More traffic to the website and a higher conversion rate are examples of this. An online marketer gets a kick out of seeing these KPIs improve, because this is a reward for his hard work. He gets the energy from this to improve the result even further. An online marketer has a continuous drive to get the most out of the available resources.

9. Power to change
Last but not least: are you a leader or a follower? Leaders dare to be critical and make important decisions. They use the input of others to enrich their own vision. With this, they dare to change the world. We call this 'change power'. The best online marketers are able to make the difference between good and better with their change power.

As an online marketer, it is therefore important not to stay in your 'box'. Make sure you become a T-shaped online marketer. For example, as an SEO specialist, be curious about what you can do with AdWords. This will increase your knowledge and therefore also your employability and added value. After all, online marketing is a game that works best when all channels are well-coordinated. And the more rules you know, the better you understand and can play the game!

Have you also experienced the 'gap' between supply and demand? Which skills played a role in this? Let us know in a comment.