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Intensive course for bloggers in less than 30 minutes
Blogging is always difficult to begin with. In this post I have made a selection of entries for all those beginner bloggers who are just starting out in this world.
Carlos Bravo4
The world of blogging can be stressful when you're just jordan phone number search starting out. You think everyone knows more than you and you may even feel intimidated by other bloggers who are more advanced. Instead of taking the time to learn the basics, most people just jump into content creation because they've heard that to increase traffic, you need to create lots of articles.
Intensive blogging course for bloggersPhoto rights by Fotolia
The moment of frustration comes when after creating dozens of posts the visits do not seem to increase and apart from the best friend or the family no one comments. If you see yourself in this situation I recommend you take only 30 minutes to read the following posts (reading times estimated by Read-o-Meter ). You will be able to benefit from an intensive blogging course that will surely help you advance and overcome the barriers that at the moment seem to not let you advance.
Blogging strategy
You are making a mistake if you are only trying to reach the maximum number of readers. It is not only important how many people read you, but even more important who and when.
Writing for 20 people in the world may make sense to you (3 minutes 30 seconds).
Not all posts are written to be read (2 minutes 54 seconds).
Content creation
The basis for the future success of your blog is the quality of your content. Apart from small tricks to improve your writing, you can collaborate with your readers to focus your posts on what really interests them.