Illustration by Juan Enseñat

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Illustration by Juan Enseñat

Post by Bappy12 »

There is a big difference between “preaching to the wind” and “being heard”, between planning activities and having them carried out or simply between thinking that you are going to connect with the students, manage to motivate them and help them…or not succeeding. Whether it is face-to-face or online training, the fact is that we are always trying to ensure that our mission achieves the set objectives.

Therefore, before starting any new activity, we are aware that it is key to have our best resources as close at hand as possible. In this article I have tried to gather everything that can help us in this task when facing a task as trainers to achieve those goals of greater efficiency, that desirable professionalism, as well as offering some ideas that can help us bring out “our best version” when facing a training task.

Train more efficiently and be a Private Label trainer.
By now, the words Branding or “Brand Image” have become part of our daily discourse. But, can the concept of “Personal Brand” be applied or the term “Personal Teacher Brand” be used in reference to a trainer? I believe the answer is a resounding yes.

If we always do tasks in the same way, we know that we will always achieve the same results, or as Albert Einstein magnificently said: “If you are looking for different results, do not always do the same thing.” Of course, you will be thinking that brands can be good or bad, true, white… as professionals, our only path is to achieve continuous improvement. The brand that we always aspire to enjoy. But logically not from a commercial point of view… or a mercantilist one (hoping that students will acquire us) but from that point of magnetism that every good brand manages to transmit.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. It is possible to increase our training in teamwork, conflict management, emotional intelligence, creative techniques, etc. and adapt our traditional way of seeing things to different and enriching points of view that help us go much further.

In-person trainer with own brand

We no longer do a marathon alone, but rather we rely on other experiences, magnificent experiences, which we can select and adapt to forge that “personal brand” with which the students will identify us. It is no longer just another class that the student attends out of obligation, but rather a space, whether physical or virtual, where the teacher enjoys what he does and transmits that positivity.

Through this shared space for the exchange of emotions and experiences, we can achieve that “memorable” education that distinguishes us. In order to transmit these emotions, we need to have the self-conviction to strive daily to improve, to gather experiences and to value both what has worked and what needs to be further polished.

Tips to start our Training Proposal
Asking ourselves who will receive this training, what they will need, why they may need to improve these skills and why they need to learn with this or another process can help clarify the path to follow. If we look at this proposal, we find the answer to the classic questions of Who? What? For what? and Why?

From this starting point we can use the sieve of these questions so that our observation allows us to detect:

Activities that they carry out so far and how to help improve that workflow.
Main difficulties we may encounter
Assessment of the successes achieved by checking how functional the learning has been.
Each of these phases must have its own monitoring to achieve maximum benefit.

Illustration by Juan Enseñat

Based on observation, they must be achievable, with a general objective and the specific objectives that accompany it. If our training is going to be extensive, each module should allow us to resolve one or several objectives. By writing, asking ourselves questions and evaluating, we can improve our strategic lines.

Time and Development
The distribution of content over time is key. The weight. The depth and development of each block of content, of each structure of our subject will be decisive when it comes to making our timing.

In face-to-face training, it is important to take into account shorter sessions, breaks, time allocated to tasks, etc.

In online training, we cannot lose sight of the timing and scheduling of all those aspects in which we expect the student to progress.

Some methodologies to use
If we do not know which method may be the most appropriate, asking ourselves kuwait whatsapp number list questions about what can facilitate learning, application time or our experience applying the method can give us the best answers.

One thing is clear and that is to take into account the classic methods, that is, the expository, demonstrative, interrogative, discovery, active-creative methods... without losing sight of methodologies such as:

Flipped Classroom
The student studies the subject first and then works on it in the classroom. Thanks to this learning through their own activity and a consolidation of the concepts in the classroom, feeling like protagonists, the students can achieve more meaningful learning.

Project-Based Learning
Students solve real-life problems through projects . Our job will be to refine the strategies that allow them to get the most out of it.

Thanks to a playful environment, learning takes place in a more motivating way.

Including games in many of our activities , whether we call them dynamic or in a thousand other ways, can allow us to achieve new and better goals. Of course, starting from a 10-point plan, since playing just for the sake of playing… could have sterile results.

Design Thinking
This system, which is based on innovation and making the most of creativity, is an excellent tool for problem solving,

I hope I have managed to shed some light on our night…or rather, on the day to day we face. If we associate our daily drive with our creative spirit, we will surely get closer to our goals.
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