Adoption of the digital workplace
Paths often get stuck on adoption, the embrace of new tooling by the organization. Why? The digital workplace must be embedded in the whole, in line with the strategic goals of the organization, the boundary conditions and the personal preferences and goals of the end users. Both internally and externally, in that order.
The digital workplace can add a great deal of value. So a lot of value is still being missed. The modern workplace and 'the new way of working' can actually add a great deal of value. Value that can be made visible in figures, in business results, if you apply it in the right way. The change at Microsoft Netherlands (2011-2014) is a very illustrative, beautiful and educational case in this respect :
Microsoft Netherlands implemented a New Way of Working that uses Unified Communications and other technologies to promote deeper collaboration, enhance employee mobility, and enable more efficient workstyles. Benefits: Reduced real estate costs 30%; Named country's best employer; Improved employee satisfaction; Increased specific product sales 50%; Reduced IT, administration, and communications costs.
So what is the 'right' way to set up the digital workplace? It has to do with much more than cleverly designed technology. Everything has to be strategically aligned. Employees have to be included in the process. And management has to be aligned , actively participate, and adopt a new management style. That is the crux.
Also read: Make your intranet a success [11 articles]
Nick van der Meulen is doing his PhD on the how to check telephone number in singapore subject of digital transformation in organizations. The main conclusion from his research , which was recently released in collaboration between RSM and MIT:
The best-performing companies not only have cleverly designed digital workplaces that facilitate flexible working; they are also run by managers who trust employees to work autonomously and dare to learn from mistakes.
What should management do then? 5 tips
In every change process there must be strategic alignment between the 'why' of the organization (the mission), the 'why' of the project for the organization and the ' what's in it for me? ' for the end user. This provides input for the strategic themes, scenarios, user cases (as a user I want… so that I…) and the way in which you are going to shape them.
1. Clarify the organizational objectives
First of all, management, together with the initiators of the change, must clarify the organizational objectives once again. Why does your organization exist again? Is that still true.