Keyword Density = (number of words that make up the keyword * keyword frequency) / total number of words on the page
You can also measure density through these simple keyword density checker tools:
In reality, there are several online tools that, through various formulas, mainly based on Gerard Salton's mathematical model of semantic analysis , try to correlate the density of a specific keyword on a content indonesia whatsapp mobile number with its relevance in the context of that page.
The goal of these online tools is to automatically calculate the importance and rank various documents with respect to different words.
It might seem like Google's work, but the actual results aren't even close.
Identifying the optimal keyword density value for a keyword in an absolute way is not possible, but in reality it is also not very useful.
There are several articles online that try to define the ideal value, perhaps based on experience, where some say 3%, some 6% and some 10%.
Of course, these are all random percentages that make no logical or scientific sense.
There is an optimal keyword density
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