The Pro SEO opinions I found myself in pretty close agreement

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The Pro SEO opinions I found myself in pretty close agreement

Post by zihadhasan012 »

If you're new to SEOmoz, or you've been in a coma the past couple weeks you may not have seen the Search Engine Ranking Factors study, which polled some of the leading minds in SEO on what they feel are the most and least important factors in regards to the SERPs. Their top five factors can be seen below: with what was being said by the SEO creme de la creme.

But it led me to the question, "How would this compare to w telemarketing leads, qatar telephone number data hat the average Joe thinks about Google's ability to magically organize the world's information?" At first the thought made me laugh, but the more I considered it I realized that the implications could be very interesting. Particularly when it comes to explaining the value of SEO services or properly communicating and setting expectations with clients it will be important to know where some of these gaps are.

So, with some modifications we developed a survey and bounced it around between some professionals we know (this is by no means a scientifically perfect random sample, so don't bother asking) to see what their thoughts were. The only stipulation was that they not have done any SEO work themselves. We knew that we would have to change the questions a bit so our Joes could understand them, so it's not precisely an apples to apples comparison, either.
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