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Ali is still free to apply for a loan

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:14 am
by sumaiyakhatun29
Secause his NDI is more than RM1,500. But just imagine if the car loan installment he took was RM600, not RM300. En Ali's NDI would drop to RM1,300. Mr. Ali's loan application may be rejected even though his DSR is still below 60% because his NDI is below RM1,500. Different banks have different NDI requirements.

For example, if you are not approved for a loan, ask the banker chile whatsapp fan why you were not approved. If the answer is because of NDI, you can try another bank if the deficit is not that much. Yes, I'm eligible! Later. Even though your DSR is low and your NDI is more than the bank's requirement, there are several qualitative aspects that you need to check.

Among them: No bankruptcy record i.e. CTOS No bad CCRIS records. This CCRIS report can be printed online or taken to Bank Negara. Work status is permanent (or more than 6 months for government employees) If all of this is good, God willing, you can have your application approved. Cover That's all I'll share this time. If you have any questions or anything is unclear, you can ask in the comments section below.