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It’s tempted if you’re interested in a

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:38 am
by zihadhosenjm90
It’s tempted if you’re interested in a myriad of topics to simply mash them all together into one blog.

It makes sense to not want to limit yourself to a single topic, I get it. You may have a lot of interests and you don’t want to be restricted to only writing about one of them.

The problem is that without a focus, people won’t know what to expect from your blog—and that’s why it’s one of my top blogging mistakes here on this list. Because if you’re writing about photography this week and egypt phone number database the following week, your audience is going to be extremely confused.

People who want to learn about caring for kittens may have no interest at all in the aperture settings on your Nikon DSLR.

Mistakes When Choosing the Right Niche to Blog About

Aside from attracting a mismatched audience, you also run the risk of dropping in Google search rankings if you make this blogging mistake.

Why? Google won’t know how to categorize your blog and that has the potential to really hurt your rankings.

An undefined niche also negatively impacts your ability to monetize your blog. You’re unlikely to find sponsors when your content is always changing. They won’t see the benefit of marketing with you, and you won’t be able to promise the type of audience they’re seeking.

The solution to this blogging mistake though—is picking a clear niche that’s both (1) broad enough that you can create a wide range of content and (2) narrow enough that you can attract the right kind of audience that’ll crave more of your content.

I’ve had to course correct from initially making this blogging mistake here on my own blog.

While my blog originally started off with several areas of focus including side hustles, freelance writing, productivity, working from home, business and blogging—I saw negative SEO impacts of having too broad a content roadmap on my site, so I’ve decided to concentrate my efforts primarily on the blogging niche.