Content is king!

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Content is king!

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

Focus on “beautiful” pages, on UI and UE and therefore on navigability, clarity and exposure
Pay attention to the meaning of the term “beauty” which does not have an aesthetic meaning, but implies completeness of the information offered by the page, comfortable and easy navigation. It also concerns the context in which the web page is born and therefore order, sense of maintenance and also a final aesthetic side.

Content is king!
Be careful about telling nonsense! The truthfulness of the canada phone number list contents is absolutely the priority for a page to be well evaluated and positioned.

Is it possible to improve the EAT on a site?
The answer is yes!

The first rule to do this is to update it. Working on online content consistently is what helps it (and the site) to always remain current. Especially when new or different information comes along. In this case, therefore, we act on the purpose , on the purpose of the content that informs the user and has the task of increasing their knowledge on a certain topic.

To increase its authority, you can insert links to relevant articles and from authoritative sources. As if to give a guarantee of competence with respect to the topic discussed.

Finally, working on branding can help improve the EAT of your content, possibly by inserting official certifications and accreditations in your field of action on the site.
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