Align left Aligning to the left allows maximum readability on the monitor

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Align left Aligning to the left allows maximum readability on the monitor

Post by mayaboti »

It also helps to “frame” the news and its context, which is why this opportunity can be wasted by developing cryptic, albeit exciting, headings. Yes to bullet points An excellent way to break up the rhythm and avoid the "wall of text" effect is to use bulleted lists , useful both for creating space and for explaining in detail some topics on which it is important to focus attention , creating conceptual clusters . Yes to bold and italics (when needed) Remember that some types of readers read in a spotted way? For them, but not only for them, it is important to correctly position bold and italics, which help to make some words emerge from the text and attract the reader's attention.

it is better to avoid justified because, however uae number data elegant, it deprives the user of orientation points. Explain acronyms If you use an acronym that is not well-known, explain it and help the reader decode the information they are receiving from you. Establish and respect editorial standards If you have decided to always write a word in capital letters (for example the name of a month, or a professional title) to give it greater prominence – a bit like I do on SegnaleZero, when I talk about Copywriting or Digital Writing – continue in capital letters.

If you use quotation marks for dialogues or quotes, continue with quotation marks. Every text has its editorial standards: many or few, establish and respect them. Create “talking” links The anchor text of a link is more effective when it accompanies the reader inside the content to which it links: this is why it is better to avoid inserting links on generic “click here”, but to construct a short text specifically to host the link. Still with regard to links, if they lead to a format other than the web page – such as a PDF file or a video – it is better to specify this.
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