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The ways to obtain data and information

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:06 am
by sabarina38
Are generally divided into primary data and secondary data. First-hand data usually comes in the following forms: Questionnaire survey Expert Interview Field visits Secondary data are usually collected in the following ways: Various websites with public channels Website data crawler We can use primary or secondary data methods to collect data in three dimensions: competition, crowd, and ourselves.

Organize and analyze the data, and finally form an industry insight data report. Conclusion The industry insight report mainly collects the information needed for a key factor through various websites, and then organizes phone leads the collected information and describes it in PPT to lay the foundation for the marketing plan. The main key points include: Websites for collecting information (knowing where to search for the information you need) Determine the key factors PPT production Information collection process: collection, organization, description Author: Zhang Zhuanjia, WeChat public account: Zhang Zhuanjia, brand marketing planning entrepreneur, product manager.

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