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Written by Andrea Malvido
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Obtaining unemployment benefits in a lump sum can be an interesting option for trying out self-employment. This process is called unemployment capitalisation and to obtain it, the purpose of the investment must be justified, which must be exclusively business-related.
What is the main objective of being able to capitalize unemployment?
According to the State Public Employment Service ( SEPE ), it is to promote and facilitate self-employment initiatives among people who are receiving contributory unemployment benefits and who intend to:
Join an already established cooperative or labor society.
Becoming self-employed . Those who are economically dependent are exempt by signing a contract with a company with which they had a contractual relationship immediately prior to azerbaijan phone data the legal unemployment situation or which belongs to the same business group as that company.
Allocating the money to a contribution to the share capital of a newly created business entity or one created within a maximum period of 12 months prior to the contribution. This reason applies “as long as the effective control of the company is to be held, a professional activity is to be carried out in it and the company is registered with Social Security in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers or in the Special Regime for Sea Workers”.
What requirements must be met to request unemployment benefit capitalization?
The first thing that the SEPE requires in order to capitalize unemployment benefits is to be a beneficiary of a contributory unemployment benefit and to have at least three monthly payments pending on the date of requesting the single payment. Beneficiaries of the benefit for cessation of activity must have at least six months pending receipt.
Not having collected the single payment
In any of its forms, in the four immediately preceding years.
Start the activity within a maximum period of one month.
This period would count from the resolution granting the single payment, and always on a date after the request.
Not having open procedures
If the termination of the employment relationship that gave rise to unemployment benefits has been challenged before the social jurisdiction, the application for the lump sum payment must be made after the procedure has been resolved.
Not having combined self-employment and benefits
Those who have combined self-employment with contributory unemployment benefits in the 24 months prior to applying for the lump sum payment will not be entitled to receive the lump sum payment.
Having passed probationary periods
If the self-employed person is registered in a cooperative and its bylaws provide for the possibility that members may have to pass a trial period, they must have passed said period.
How to capitalize on unemployment and start your professional activity
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