Don't use filters : be natural and authentic, so that it doesn't look like an advertisement at all.
Record in 9:16 : People watch TikTok on mobile and ads should be responsive and recorded vertically.
High resolution : maintain naturalness without losing image quality.
Make audio a priority : TikTok is about watching, but it's also about listening, so it's essential to follow music trends and make sound a part of the video.
He also left us with another interesting thought: instead of spending hours and hours on your ad before publishing it to make it perfect, dare to launch it when you have it and optimize it according to the results and people's reactions.
One last key point that this talk left us with was the france number data importance of having content creators (internal or external) who help us create these ads and distribute them online . It has been shown that they give much better results, not only because they know the platform and how to communicate, but also because they can bring an extra audience to our brand.
Unlock the best secrets of social commerce with Impact Cube . If you found this article interesting, don't miss the full recording of the event organized by Channable. In addition to Bastian Verhulst's talk, you'll be able to discover the keys of 3 other social commerce experts and apply all the learnings in your next campaigns. You're just one click away from getting inspired for the rest of the year in the eCommerce sector.